

Distinguish the service conditions of organised sector with that of unorganised sector ?

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Studies muskan 4 years 2 Answers 1346 views Silver 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Organised sector
    1= rules and regulations are followed.
    2= registered by the government.
    3= they are highly secured.
    4=working hours are fixed ,overtime work are paid .
    Unorganized sector
    1= rules and regulations are not allowed
    2= largely out of government control.
    3= highly unsecured.

  2. Organised sector
    1 terms of employment are regular.
    2 they have to follow rules and regulations of the government.
    3 this sector has some formal processes and procedures.
    4 they have fixed working hours.
    5 facilities such as PF, medical leave are given.
    6 after retirement workers get pension and gratuity etc.

    Unorganised sector
    1 terms of employment are not regular
    2 they do not follow the government rules and regulations.
    3 it has no formal processes and procedures.
    4 they do not have fixed working hours.
    5 no facilities such as PF , medical leave are given.
    6 no retirement benefit is given to them

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