Subject to choose in Class 11th.


My name is Satvik Sehgal and I am in Class 10th. I am confused to choose my subjects. I am a little weak in maths. I have interest in biology, but I have heard that biology is really difficult in higher classes.What should I do?

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Careers Satvik 6 years 2 Answers 819 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. U should take PCB if you have interest in biology, if you will take PCM then u might face problems as you said you are weak in maths. Nothing is easy and nothing is difficult. Everything depends upon our interest and abilities. Face your fear. Believe in yourself. Best of luck for your future.

  2. See, if you have interest in the subject of biology then no matter how much difficult as well as problematic it is you can easily score higher grades because interest is what matters a lot in an individual’s life. Therefore, you should choose PCB rather than PCM because it includes Maths as well in which you are not good that much so take step according to your interest.

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