Job finding basic tips ?


Job Finding Tips:


a. Have your profile on websites like, etc updated weekly.

Update means open your profile, make any minor change and save. Profiles updated recently are more likely to be shortlisted, as employers use this criteria to identify employees looking for Job.


b. Use your professional contacts. Most CAs have been known to be hired through references only. There is nothing wrong in sharing your job requirement with your friends (even those practicing), colleagues, ex-colleauges, ex-bosses, other professional contacts. (e.g. this group) Anyone may need a job change anytime for any reason.


c. Create a profile on **. A nice website, specially for specialized profiles.


d. Can search , using search terms like “Chartered Accountant”, “CA”, “Finance”, “Accounting” etc. or keywords from your profile.


e. – This is also a nice website by ICAI. Many companies exclusively hire CAs from here e.g. DMRC.


f. People keep finding jobs online, but most hirers still use conventional ways i.e. through Job Consultants. So, gather a few contact details of some consultants, send them your resume and *do have a talk* at least on phone.


g. A tough tip: Most companies hire through same job consultant. If you want to join some particular company, find out the consultant, they use. (can try some employee there)

And yes… If u come across a job which you don’t need, please share with others 🙂

Happy Job finding

in progress 2
Careers CA RUPENDER SINGH 7 years 1 Answer 728 views Bronze 1

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Get clear on what you want
    Research your target companies
    Tailor your resume to each job
    Create your online career brand
    Get organized
    Build, cultivate, and utilize your network of contacts
    Don’t limit yourself to online applications
    Aim to complete a few job-related goals daily
    Be kind to yourself

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