I saw an interview on TV of a person who had lost his leg in an accident some time back ! How he can cope up with life? he is very depressed.

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General CoolGuy1 7 years 4 Answers 705 views Bronze 1

Answers ( 4 )

  1. Nick Vujicic is a motivational and very famous speaker. He has no legs and no hands. He can watch his videos and can get inspire by him.

  2. Accidents are a sudden happenings beyond the control of a human being….depressions in the early stage are quite normal especially with the one who has lost a body part and is aware of the truth that he won’t be able to walk anymore…but loosing hope won’t take him anyway…
    If anyone remember our legendary veteran dancer SUDHA CHANDRAN…..she too lost her leg which left her in depression as she was not able to dance anymore…..a thing about which she was so passinate for…..but just because of her dedication and passion…..shE danced at a stretch of 2 hours with an artificial leg
    She just set an example that nothing is impossible if a person has a strong willpower

  3. This guy seriously amazing nature hats of him !

  4. I also saw its very interesting fact !

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