Mol bio


What is inducble operon?

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Studies arpit 4 years 3 Answers 509 views Silver 0

Answers ( 3 )

  1. A gene system often encoding a coordinated group of enzyme involved in a catabolic pathway is inducible if an early metabolite in the pathway causes activation usually by interaction with and inactivation of a reprossor of transcription of the genes encoding the negative inducible operons a regulatory repressor protein is normally bound to the operator .

  2. A gene system often encoding a coordinated group of enzyme involved in a catabolic pathway is inducible if an early metabolite in the pathway causes activation usually by interaction with and inactivation of a reprossor of transcription of the genes encoding the enzymes.

  3. some operon are often off which can be turned on by some other molecules, that type of operon called as inducible operon and the molecule which turned on the operon called as inducer molecule.
    example- lac operon

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