Which is the most dangerous animal of the earth?

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General Ashok 7 years 8 Answers 2988 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 8 )

  1. I think Humans are the most dangerous animal in the world, as we are animal too. animal means any creature which is not a plant is an animal. we are the most dangerous because we have been killing each other from many of millenniums.

  2. Cape Buffalo is the most dangerous animal on the earth.

  3. Basically if this question is asked on the basis of general knowledge answers might be different, but if seen and understood in proper way, not all the humans but very few some human is not a animal but human is the most dangerous on the earth, their negative thought, posioness views, so much of nature like taking revenge is the most dangerous that can harm a person the most

  4. Cape Buffalo is the most dangerous animal on the earth.

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