Suddenly pollution has increased so much what is the main reason and what can be the precautions??

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General Aarushi aggarwal 7 years 4 Answers 612 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 4 )

  1. We are cutting trees, forest, for our personal uses which leads to decrease oxygen rate in area’s and we are using transports which creates noise pollution and leads to increase in many disease Which we are facing today, its only our fault that we are torturing our mother nature and we are getting back what we are doing to earth
    To reduce the effect of pollution :
    We should plant a more and more trees ,
    We should use the public vehicle and if possible than try to use cycles for nearby works,
    Amd wear a mask to avoid oxygen problems

  2. We are cutting trees, forest, for our personal uses which leads to decrease oxygen rate in area’s and we are using transports which creates noise pollution and leads to increase in many disease Which we are facing today, its only our fault that we are torturing our mother nature and we are getting back what we are doing to earth .

  3. industrilisation and traffic are reasons for increasing
    use of public transport, plantation of trees can help decrease pollution

  4. Increasing population, industrilisation and traffic are some reasons for increasing pollution.
    Sharing cars, use of public transport, plantation of trees can help decrease pollution

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