

what do you think, to be punctual on time is good for us?

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General Deepanshi 5 years 4 Answers 438 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 4 )

  1. Following are the reasons why it is important to be punctual or on time :-
    1) It shows that you respect or regard the person enough that you value their time and don’t keep them waiting for you. This builds strong relationships at workplace or even between the friends.
    2) It is important to be on time because it shows that you are not lethargic.
    3) It helps in completing the tasks on time.

  2. Following are the reasons why is it important to be punctual or on time :-
    1) It shows that you respect or regard the person enough that you value their time and don’t keep them waiting for you. This builds strong relationships at workplace or even between the friends.
    2) It is important to be on time because it shows that you are not lethargic.
    3) It helps in completing the tasks on time.

  3. Obviously it is Being punctual on time shows that you respect time it eleminates anxiety and improves self confidence.
    You set yourself aa a good example.
    Being punctual shows that you respect other party’s time and you are not willing to waste it .
    Dependability and reliability
    Improves others perception of you .
    Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you to stand out as reliable and trustwortyh employee or a person.
    At a job or workplace you should be punctual .

  4. I have learned that the concept of being punctual is a moving target depending on situations and individual attitudes.

    Personally, it is important to me to be punctual and I do what I need to to be where I said I would be when I said I would be there.

    I also am very close to someone who is exactly the opposite on this topic and considers being on time a flexible guideline more than anything.

    And I have a friend who is absolutely rigid about punctuality and is very clear that she considers any lateness to be disrespectful. People tend to range from my friend to me to my close someone on this topic.

    In general though being punctual for specific situations is important regardless of what ones personal philosophy is on the topic. If you have a job at a workplace that has zero tolerance for being late then being punctual is going to be important if you want to keep the job.

    There are other situations where being punctual will be important and tell others about how much you value them and those are situations that everyone has to figure out

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