

Best way to learn and remember it for long term?

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General Harshit 6 years 4 Answers 708 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 4 )

  1. Try to learn things by speaking it loudly and write it again and again because after writing you would get to know how much you have learnt which will help you to know. And try to recall everything which you have learnt before going to sleep . Try to recall things after two or three days.

  2. Best way to learn is understand the concepts very clearly. then it will remain in your memory for lifetime not only just for long time.

  3. To learn and remember for a long time we have to understand and learn from the things.

  4. Best way to learn and memorise for long is learning through mind with understanding instead of a copy paste answers written in book it will give you marks but knowledge plus you will not able to memorize, understand and learn it will help you to learn and memorise for a long time.;

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