

When did industrialisation begin in Europe what were its consequences?

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Studies muskan 5 years 2 Answers 369 views Silver 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Industrialisation brought men ,women and children to bours were often long and wages were poor .unemployment was common particularly during times of low demand for industries goods housing and sanitation were problems since towns were growing rapidly .!liberals and radicals searched for solution to these issues.

  2. a. Industrialisation: Industrialisation had begun in england in the second-half of the eighteenth century . However, it took place in france and parts of the german statws during thennineteenth century.
    b. Its consequences were as mentioned below:
    1. Growth of towns: Emergence of commercial classes- there was growth of towns and the emergence of vommercial classes in western and some parts of eastern europe. This was due to the growth of industrial production and trade. The existence of commercuel classes was based on production for the narket.
    2. A new working class and middle classes consisting of industrialists, businessmen, professionals came into existence. It was among the educated ,liberal middle classes that ideas of national unity following the abolition of aristocratic privileges gained popularity.

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