

What were the causes for the revolution by the liberals in 1848 ? Describe its events and effects ?

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Studies muskan 5 years 2 Answers 447 views Silver 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. The 1848 revolution of the liberals refers to the various nation movement poineered by education middle classes alongside unemployed and starving peasants and workers in Europe while in countries like France food shortage and widespread unemployment during 1848 led to popular uprising in other parts of Europe such as Germany italy Poland and astronomers empire men and women of the liberal middle classes came together to voice their demands for the creation of the nation state based on parliamentary principles the political social and economic idea supported by the liberals were.

  2. a.Causes: The february revolution of 1848 in france had brought had brought about the abdication of the monarch. A republic based on universal male suffrage was proclaimed. This had a effect on the liberal middel classes in other parts of europe -germany, italy,poland and austro-hungarian empire.
    b. Demands: 1. Liberal middle classes demanded constitutionalism with national unification.
    2. They demanded the creation of a nation state on parliamentary principales i.e.,a constitution,freedom of the press and freedom of association.
    c. Results: The revolutions of the liberals in 1848 were suppressed by the autocratic monarchs but even then these revolutions made the monarchs to realise that the old order could not be restored. The autocratic monarchs in the central and eastern europe introduced changes that had taken place in western europe before 1815.
    1. Serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in habsburg dominions and in russia.
    2. More autonomy was granted to the hungarians in 1867 by the habsburg monarchs. Dualism was established. Austria- hungary was to consist of two didtinct independent states.
    The ruler was known as emperor in austria and as king in hungary.

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