What are the factors that effect the supply of a product?

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Studies Bhumika 5 years 2 Answers 239 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Some of the factors that influence the supply of a product are described as follows:
    i. Price:
    ii. Cost of Production:
    iii. Natural Conditions:
    iv. Technology:
    v. Transport Conditions:
    vi. Factor Prices and their Availability:
    vii. Government’s Policies:
    viii. Prices of Related Goods:

  2. Stock of a product refers to quantity of a product available in the market for sale within a specified point of time. Both stock and market price of a product affect its supply to a greater extent. If the market price is more than the cost price, the seller would increase the supply of a product in the market.

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