What are the factors that should be taken into consideration while pricing for overseas marketing?

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Studies Firoz 6 years 2 Answers 773 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Pricing of goods to be exported depends on several factors. The demand for exported goods in the international market, competitive environment and regulations of the government should also be evaluated by the exporters besides manufacturing costs. The various factors that affect pricing decisions are as follows:-
    * Cost
    * Competition
    * Attitude towards Countries Products
    * Product differentiation and Brand Image
    * Nature of Purchase
    * Quality and Price Relationship

  2. Pricing of goods to be exported depends on several factors. The demand for exported goods in the international market, competitive environment and regulations of the government should also be evaluated by the exporters besides manufacturing costs. The various factors that affect pricing decisions are as follows:-
    * Cost
    * Demand
    * Competition
    * Attitude towards Countries Products
    * Product differentiation and Brand Image
    * Nature of Purchase
    * Quality and Price Relationship

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