What is the role of smartphones in today’s life?

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General Shivani 6 years 4 Answers 602 views Bronze 0

Answers ( 4 )

  1. Smartphone makes everyone’s life easier than before. We can have internet and gain knowledge. We can save time by doing online shopping. We can book movie ticket, hotel room booking at anytime and anywhere. We can communicate to our loved ones who are living Abroad. We can click pictures, as sometimes it is difficult to carry camera everywhere. We can play games and listen music in our spare time. We can also do our professional work.

  2. Smartphones are really making our life easy, we can do so much by the one phone ,we can listen music , take photos , we can also play games and can also do earning via YouTube.

  3. In today’s Era, Smart phones plays an imperative role in our daily life as we can get in touch with the individuals easily, we can explore the world through the innovative technology from our home itself and moreover, In our spare time we can play some appealing games as well.

  4. Smartphone plays an important role in today’s life because we can do everything from our home like Bank Transactions, we can book tickets from home, we can get update from any corner of the world.

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