Answers ( 4 )

  1. If a person would like to become CEO, the typical qualification that will be required will usually consist of the minimum of a bachelors degree in an industry that they plan to enter.

  2. a person would like to become a CEO, the typical qualifications that will be required will usually consist of the minimum of a bachelor’s degree, in an industry that they plan to enter. They then may choose to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or similar post-graduate qualification.

    Best answer
  3. CEO : Cheif Executive Officer , one of the key managerial person of a company having executory power.
    CEO takes long term and major strategic decisions for the company thus he/ she is entrusted with the decision making power thus decision making does not require any qualification or degree. One must be capable to make rational decision for the benefits of the company.

  4. there is no hard n fast criteria regarding educational qualification for becoming a CEO though your education background do play a major role in this direction. Apart from the educational qualification, your expertise in a particular domain and your work experience are also considered plus your association with that particular company or industry are also taking into consideration.

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