Which celebrity do you think is the most down to earth?

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General Aman 5 years 1 Answer 432 views Bronze 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Since someone already did a solid answer on one of my favorite celebrities, Keanu Reeves, I’ll pick another one of my favs.

    Daniel Radcliffe.

    Almost everyone knows this guy from Harry Potter. He reached worldwide fame at age 11 for his role in the Harry Potter installation making him the highest paid child actor in the world. He started from $1 million to over $30 million for Deathly Hallows 2 by age 17.

    You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about his wealth but that ties in to why I think he’s such a humble person. We always see child actors let the early fame and success get to their heads and turn into disasters, aka. Lindsay Lohan and another one of my favorites, sadly, Amanda Bynes although she just might be mentally ill.

    But my dude Daniel got the handle on success like a pro.

    Daniel Radcliffe is super low profile and likes to mess with the paparazzi by giving them no content to write about. This is him explaining his little trick on The Tonight Show:

    “I would wear the same jacket and zip it up so they couldn’t see what I was wearing underneath, and the same hat. As a result, every photo looked like it had been taken on the same day, and the photographers couldn’t sell them.”

    “They became un-publishable, which was hilarious because there’s nothing better than seeing the paparazzi get really frustrated.”

    You can also see his down-to-earth nature in what a complete goof he is. My favorite story is him walking around New York City with 12 dogs because he can. Daniel Radcliffe is my spirit animal. If I was rich and famous, I’d be a girl version of this. No diva-ness from me.

    And perhaps the best thing about my favorite celebrity weirdo is that he actively uses his platform to advocate for LGBTQ rights, gender equality, mental health all while recognizing his privileges as a rich white male. Not only that, he always donates and heavily funds a lot of charities focusing on the above issues.

    Daniel Radcliffe is a genuinely nice guy who isn’t scared to voice his opinion on controversial issues and trying to be PC all the time. He also doesn’t turn down any of his fans and I think he turned up to a Comi-con once in disguise to surprise his fans. He genuinely enjoys the company of his fans. I love that about him.

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