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Welcome to the ever growing Protoedu family of knowledge seekers and torch bearers. The Protoedu family surpasses the mundane boundaries set by political interests because the Protoeduers (Protoedu family members are fondly known as ) only believe in one concept - Sharing is Growing Asking is Glowing Hearty Welcome once again !!




IF you think you can,you can ! Its not only a quate to be marked
But the beginning of every successful story.
Yeah your believe is the only seed that you sow to reap the fruit later.believing in yourself initiates power to love the process towards destination.destination does not come towards you need to walk and mark yourself at destination; the more you walk the closer you are to destination .
By beliving its true; which is’t true ;you make it true ; by firm believe its true.
Life is a race with no brakes ;with several takes but no retake !.
so to sail your boat at highest of tides in life you need the asset called belief !
Question may come where does this belief come from ??? so in short as a response to evironmental images and social network our subcontious affirms the text to be true which indeed commonly called belief!

U must have listen the stories of underconfidence ,stage phobia etc
But the only cause behind every such corn is that they do not have belief on themselfs .imagine if u dont have belief on your own self how can a person listing to you take your word granted .so your beliefs paves a fruitful serving of your own idea being presented before others.


Most of the scholars talk about self -motivation and role of it in the success of person .and your belief is indeed a creation of picture drawn with the skech of self affirmed thoughts which boost the working capability of you

You may also see the individuals being easily lifted from one path to
Another but if you think why is it so??? Answer is their poor belief
Shackles on path of success should be dealt being assertive and firm to your decison which is possible only if you have a firm belief


Think thomas edison after repeated Failiure also; does not left the path why?? Only reason was belief which finally gifted him as bulb . So this belief is the power to stand youself in storms

There are enormity of instances which proof the validity of the belief
And its role in carving the brand new story of yours so just move ahead with a firm belief that YOU CAN!



Mark my words

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About HarshitBronze