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Sales – “Selling something distinctive”

Sales refer to build a faith between enterprise and client. Majorly people nowadays cannot be able to close the deal because they sell a product which cannot satisfy clients. Instead of selling a product we should make clients feel something unique about the commodity we are selling them. The objective of salesman is to woo the clients towards their product and the corporation is always represented by the product itself and many salesman trying to convince clients to buy their products but I don’t think so that it will help them to close the deal. According to me if a salesman have aptitude to show some unique points in their creative product from others then he/she will easily build worthy relation with the clients and make them feel comfortable as well and therefore he/she don’t need to convince clients. There should be always a strong concept behind selling any product and salesman should find some matchless qualities in the product or else the enquiry will put up by clients that why should I purchase your product? What is unique in it? So, after selling any commodity a salesman should be cognizant of what he is retailing. He should have deep knowledge about the product and from this how much he/she can give satisfaction and benefits to consumers. A good salesman are consists of numerous qualities like a pleasing personality, fluent communication, have deep knowledge about what he/she is selling, ability to modify any client according to seller, product should contain strong concept before selling, etc.  In every organization, selling process is the most important fragment to run the organization because organizations are all about providing the best services with trust to build strong relationships with clients. Selling is associated to every subdivision in an organization. Mostly organizations initially make everyone awake about their business and the product they are offering by allotting leaflets, issuing some mockups of their invention, etc. This process is called Marketing. Marketing also plays a vital role before selling because we cannot sell anything before make people aware about their services & products. It is very essential to make people responsive about the amenities & creative products the company is proposing to run the business and after that he/she can do selling fruitfully. The customer will only buy your product when he/she feels some good qualities in a product or else they can discard it if they feel that the product worthless to them. Actually, we can sell any product no matter how much expensive it is but the main thing is the concept behind selling the product that should be strong which he/she will put on to sell the product. For a salesman, clients are valuable than anything else and hence, many times companies offer heavy concession and allot gifts to maintain good relationships with their clients. From this, clients feel pleased to purchase products on heavy discount. So, this is how we build up good relationships with the clients and only then an enterprise can cultivate & progress rapidly.

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