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Welcome to the ever growing Protoedu family of knowledge seekers and torch bearers. The Protoedu family surpasses the mundane boundaries set by political interests because the Protoeduers (Protoedu family members are fondly known as ) only believe in one concept - Sharing is Growing Asking is Glowing Hearty Welcome once again !!

Today’s societies

We are living  in a era where  everone  wants  success , respect  , and a wonderful  life and it’s  human nature , but sometimes we forgot  that what makes us genuinely  respectful  and sucessful  .

Im taking about kindness,  we want to live happy and called our self a good citizen  of our society  who just don’t care about what  others are doing,  no im not saying  you to go and interrupt  in someone’s  personal  matter but you really need to understand  that if there is something  wrong going on,  than it is our duty to take action  against it, but no we just  try to avoid the situations because  we really don’t  want that issue’s  start effecting our personal  life.

We never stop a man in our society  who beats her woman  because  we thought  that’s there personal  issue,  we just stand there in a group and just talk about it , we make Gossip  and also make fun sometimes , but there is a word called ‘karma’,  which  tell us that  what we do come back to us,  so just think of it  if another  day your husband  starting  bitting and scolding you and no one stops him than what will you feel, it makes you hurt than you will realise that we should always  help everyone  as much as we cam do,  because  karma turns  anytime,  anywhere.

So i just want everyone  to be kind hearted  before  becoming sucessful  and respectful  because  we are only sucessful  and respectful  when we do the good things ,

Being selfish can’t let you earn success  , sucess also need the respect  and respect can be earn only by giving something  and sacrificing something  , if we help someome day they will also help us someday.

Thanks .

Shivani virk

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