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Welcome to the ever growing Protoedu family of knowledge seekers and torch bearers. The Protoedu family surpasses the mundane boundaries set by political interests because the Protoeduers (Protoedu family members are fondly known as ) only believe in one concept - Sharing is Growing Asking is Glowing Hearty Welcome once again !!


Nowadays, Technology is playing a huge and important role in our life. Technology has become very progressive. It saves a lot of time and money by making our work stress-free. Advanced Technology has made our living very convenient. We are almost encircled with a lot of Technological modernization that without it we cannot even communicate to each other. With passage of time we have also become advanced.

Technology helps us to connect with the rest of the world. With the help of Advanced Technology we can purchase or sell anything online. We can travel anywhere and we don’t have to send letters to our relatives or friends as now there are numerous sources to communicate with each other. It helps us in many techniques. Technology has given us a manner to expand our existence so that we contribute towards the development of our country. Technology has also made us innovative and creative. That’s why Technology has given paramount importance in our lives. Advanced Technology is very valuable to us but on the other hand with the excess consumption of Advanced Technology we are finishing ourselves.

For e.g.  : We use vehicles to travel anywhere anytime. Vehicles are very valuable technological equipment which has become a part in our existence as we usually utilize it on a regular basis. But we are utilizing it excessively and hence it is causing pollution which is very injurious for our health. It is very hazardous for our health. Thus, we should not use Advanced Technology excessively.

Otherwise, it can become a vast threat in upcoming future. Generally, anything we use in our daily life is a Gift of Technology. We cannot imagine our lives without technology but still we cannot deny this fact that it has also cause harm to our economy. So, therefore, the solution lies in utilizing Advanced Technology in a good manner so that, it will also prevent us from Environmental destruction.

a very suitable example here would be a Hollywood blockbuster movie – I Robot starring Will Smith. It can happen in reality also in next 50-100 years when Robots can rule humans. A lot of advancement is taking place in the field of mechatronics which ultimately will lead to robotization of nearly all the tasks. One of the risk inherited in this development is mass unemployment. But as history has proved that with each technological development, new avenues of IT-related employment have also opened up and has catered millions of youngsters in making illustrious career.

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About Simran SharmaSilver